Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Invisible Illness Week Comes to a Close

It was great to have Kristen, Amy, and Lisa sharing about invisible illness here last week!  I was encouraged by their guest posts, and I hope that all of you were too.

I wore my Invisible Illness bracelet all week long.  I only left the apartment for a doctors appointment and medically necessary travel, so I don't think I actually helped to spread awareness by wearing the bracelet.  It was more an act of solidarity.  The bracelet was a constant reminder to me of my friends and others who suffer from an illness that is chronic, but that no one sees.

If you missed out on the Invisible Illness Week conference, you can still listen to the sessions here. Lisa Copen had some great guests, such as Christine Miserandino, founder of But You Don't Look Sick, and author of The Spoon Theory.

Thank you to Lisa Copen for all of her hard work to make Invisible Illness Week 2010 a success!  Lisa does not receive any salary or financial compensation for her work with Invisible Illness Week.  She just knows what it is like to live with a chronic illness, and she wants to spread awareness and minister to others who also live with chronic illnesses.  May the Lord bless you for your work, Lisa!

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