I decided to join in on 5 Minute Friday again with The Gypsy Mama. We write for 5 minutes only. The writing is bold and free, unscripted and unedited, and we don't have to worry about staying in the lines. This week the topic is Growing.

In the trials and the hard times my faith grows. I draw closer to the Lord because I realize how much I need Him. I wouldn’t choose the hard times if I were given the option. No, I wouldn’t choose to be weak, homebound, unable to go for a walk with my children, unable to cook and clean, unable to get up with my family in the morning. But God has chosen this for me. He knows my strengths. He knows my weaknesses. He knows my faults and my tendencies toward sin. And He knows just what I need to draw me closer to Him, to strengthen my faith, to make me more like His Son, Jesus.
The challenges I face with dysautonomia aren’t a result of random chance. I didn’t have “bad luck” with genetics. I don’t have mitochondria that accidentally malfunction. No, all of this was measured out by the hand of God. He is sovereign. He is in control. He loves me so much. As my husband says, “God cares more about our sanctification than He does about our comfort.” In these hard times I pray that I will keep drawing closer to Christ, keep pressing on, and keep growing in the faith.
God has a plan and a purpose in suffering, and I’m growing because of it. How good He is!
P.S. I am trying a new comment form because the blogger comments weren't working well. If you try to leave a comment, but it won't let you, would you please send me an email at cranberryteatime(at)hotmail(dot)com so that I can try to figure out the problem and fix it? Thanks! :)
ReplyDeletePlease let me know if you have trouble using the Disqus comment form. It is working for me, but not for others.
ReplyDeleteyes, God DOES have a plan and a purpose in suffering. . . it's just not always pleasant to endure it.
ReplyDeleteenjoyed your write this morning. great reminders, really, of why we're here, what God is trying to do through us, and what our purpose is.
blessings on your day!
It is funny how with time we learn that the suffering is part of the growing - the sooner we learn to submit to it the more comfortable we will be in our discomfort - but not easy to embrace
ReplyDeleteOh what a great line “God cares more about our sanctification than He does about our comfort"
ReplyDeleteGod does have a plan for you. He loves you. Have a blessed day!
ReplyDeleteVisiting from the 5 Minute Friday today. You were born with a plan and a purpose. He loves you so very much! Have a blessed weekend.
ReplyDeleteAs always, you inspire me, Rachel. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteYou are loved, Wishing you a weekend filled with joyful things, Katherine
ReplyDeleteYour response is inspiring and gives God the glory because of your trust in His Sovereignty and goodness. I am humbled and grateful for your sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Steph. I appretiate your thoughtful and encouraging comment.
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Rachel