Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Raise Your Broken Praise

Life with a chronic illness is hard. Life with a disability is hard. Life is just hard! We all suffer to some extent. That is the reality of life in a fallen world, a world affected by sin. But in the midst of the brokenness, we can still praise the Lord. He is sovereign over hardship and suffering, and He is worthy of our praise!

Last week my friend, Melanie, shared the song Broken Praise on her blog. This song is based on the story of Job in the Bible. Like Melanie, I can identify with the words of this song. I think that many of my chronic illness friends will also identify with this song on a very personal level.

In the midst of whatever you are facing today, will you join me in giving God praise? Let us say with Job, "'The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.'" Job 1:21, ESV

(If you are reading this in an email, please click over to the blog to view the video.)

Broken Praise

If one more person takes my hand and tries to say they understand
Tells me there's a bigger plan that I'm not meant to see
If one more person dares suggest that I held something unconfessed
Tries to make the dots connect from righteousness to easy street
Well I, I won't deny I've relied on some assumptions
A man's honest life entitles him to something

But who am I to make demands of the God of Abraham?
And who are You that You would choose to answer me with mercy new
How many more will wander past to find me here among the ashes
Will You hold me? Will You stay?
So I can raise this broken praise to You

Who else will see my suffering as one more opportunity
To educate; to help me see all my flawed theology
If one more well intentioned friend tries to tie up my loose ends
Hoping to, with rug and broom, sweep awkward moments from the room
But I, I can't forget, I have begged just like a madman
For my chance to die and never have to face the morning

But who am I to make demands of the God of Abraham?
And who are You that You would choose to answer me with mercy new
How many more will wander past to find me sitting in this ash
Will You hold me? Will You stay?
So I can raise this broken praise to You

But You were the One who filled my cup
And You were the One who let it spill
So blessed be Your Holy Name if you never fill it up again
If this is where my story ends, just give me one more breathe to say
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Written by Nichole Nordeman
Sung by Todd Smith


  1. I love this. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. You're welcome! The song really resonated with me, and I knew I had to share it!

  3. Wow I didn't listen to the song--- I just read the words so true .... Thank God that he gave us Job to help us struggle to know we are loved when The Lord gives and when The Lord takes away.

    Somehow in the moments when we suffer with chronic illness- mine is dysautonomia --- it is when we close our eyes to the damaging words and judgements of others who do not know- it is in that place with eyes closed that we can begin to see God, to hear God. Like Job, suffering takes us to talk with God... With our eyes closed to what was in the past, we begin to turn to God as he opens up our spirit to see Him with new eyes of gratitude and thanksgiving. With our new eyes focused on God, our list of thanksgiving to God have our ego pride removed and our love for Him purified and renewed... Then I begin to count the blessings that God gave me in both giving and taking.... And then I see his how HIS love is redeeming my love for HIM and others.
    Then I think... Blessed be the Name of The Lord... Because with my eyes closed, I see how he supplies my every needed. And you know with Dysautonomia... When you are focusing on your breathing... It is just you being lead by the Father's loving kindness in the midst of a storm... You see the Spirit of God with you.... And when he supplies you with a roho cushion, and the unconditional love of your husband... You know that God has walked in your midst.... And thru all the suffering you see and talk with God more clearly... And you know not to be afraid, he will not leave or forsake us.


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