Monday, February 22, 2010

My Sweet Friend

Ms. Thelma and me at my baby shower in September

Ms. Thelma and I met at church where we used to sit next to each other during the service. If Ms. Thelma was already seated when I arrived, she would smile at me and say, "There's my friend!" as my husband wheeled me in beside her. We didn't get to see each other very often because neither one of us could attend each week, but we were always happy to see each other when we could.

After I moved to Kentucky we were rarely able to see one another. I went back to Georgia last September for my baby shower, and I was so surprised and pleased to see Ms. Thelma there! I knew that it took a huge effort on her part to get out to the shower, and it was a special treat to have her there. That was the last time I saw Ms. Thelma.

Today I received news that Ms. Thelma died. She is now in Heaven, and I am so happy for her. I am smiling through the tears. She can rest from her toil on this earth and rejoice in the presence of her Savior. It may be a long time before I see her again, but I know that I will one day join her in Heaven.

If you want to know how you can go to Heaven too, please send me an email. I would love to share the Good News about Jesus with you. I want you to know the hope and joy that I have. I want you to one day be in Heaven with Ms. Thelma and me, and more importantly, with Jesus.


  1. Oh Rachel...what a sweet picture of you and Ms. Thelma! Beautiful post! I love it when the Lord puts these special people in our lives!!

  2. What a precious picture! I'm sorry for your loss, but celebrating her gain!

  3. So precious. I'm sure she will be waiting for you someday.

  4. Rachel....She is so happy too! Can you imagine what it will be like when we get there...I can't wait! You are blessed to have been her friend!

  5. so precious! I'm so thankful she was apart of your life...What a better place she is in...
    Praying for you during this time.

  6. Hi Rachel,

    what a wonderful story. Ms. Thelma seems like she was a wonderful person and I'm sure she was thrilled to be at your baby shower. What a treat for both of you! I'm sorry for your loss but it sounds like you made a wonderful impact on each other's lives.

  7. Just stopping by to thank you for visiting me on my SITS day and leaving some blog love!


  8. Hey Rachel...come by my blog I have an award for you The Happy 101 deserve it!

  9. I too am sorry for your loss! But so blessed to see another believer actively blogging and actively willing to share the love of Jesus to anyone who wants to know! Such a blessing to me today!


  10. I am sorry for your loss, but your faith really shines through!
    thanks for stopping by my blog on my SITS feature day, I really appreciate your comments.

  11. I'm sorry to hear about Ms Thelma. I have a similar experience with Ms Lois. She passed away a few days ago at the age of 105. She was at church every Sunday, unless in the hospital. She was an amazing lady and will be missed.

    I hope that you and I can make a Godly impression on the women in the next generation the same as Ms. Thelma and Ms. Lois did with us.

  12. She sounded so sweet! Sorry for your loss but she is smiling at you from heaven now. A much better place!

    Happy Saturday sharefest day!


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