Monday, January 16, 2012

Thank You, Friends!

Thank you, sweet friends, for all of the comments that you left for me for National Delurking Day! Your words were like a bright and cheery bouquet, and they put a smile on my face all weekend long. I loved hearing from all of you, both new friends and old friends.

I enjoyed learning more about you, where you are from, and what you like. I appreciated reading stories of how you found me and why you keep on reading here. I had no idea that several people with dysautonomia and other chronic illnesses were reading my blog regularly. It was such a blessing to me to know that you have been encouraged here and that you feel less alone with your illness now. Even though we are spread out all across the world, we don't have to be alone in our illness. It's so neat that the internet can connect us so that we can walk this road together.

You all have truly blessed me with your kind messages. I appreciate your friendship, prayers, comments, and support. Thank you, Cranberry Tea Time friends!

Photo Credit: Audrey Lundy

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