Friday, March 7, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Willing

Today I am participating in 5 Minute Friday with Lisa-Jo Baker and her delightful blogging friends. We write for only five minutes without worrying about making everything perfect. This is quick and easy blogging, and it is just what I need today. This week's word is "willing."

Today in the Bible study I am working through we read Job 1:20-22: “Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. And he said, ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.’ In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong” (ESV).

I am always struck by Job’s response. It isn’t just one of grief; it is one of trust and worship. Am I so trusting? Would I be willing to worship God no matter what trouble came my way? What if I lost all of my children, my house, and my belongings? Would I be willing to come to God with an attitude of worship?

I like what Job says in chapter 2, verse 10, “Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?”

God is sovereign over all. I can trust God, knowing that nothing can come my way that has not first passed through the loving hand of the Father.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28, ESV).

Am I willing to worship God today in sickness?

I have been mostly stuck in bed this week, recovering from the last three months of health flare ups. It isn’t easy. It isn’t what I would have chosen. But it is what God ordained. This is the portion I have been given, and even this is for my good! I can trust and worship God while home-bound. Lord, may I always be willing to bow before you in worship.

Are you willing to worship God today no matter your circumstances?

Five Minute Friday


  1. What a great response to the prompt! I like how you challenge us to remember that we should be willing to worship no matter our circumstances. Hope you get to feeling better soon!

  2. Love this! Being willing to worship no matter what is so important. Thanks for the wonderful reminder. Here from FMF. Grace and peace to you. x

  3. Hello Mary! Thanks for stopping by from Five Minute Friday!

  4. Hi Lindsey, thanks so much! I hope that I'll be feeling better soon too!

  5. the word sovereign just keeps coming at me this week! It started on Monday as I was making a sign to take to Good News Club on Tuesday where we are teaching the children about Esther and idea that it is God's sovereignty that saved Esther and the Jews. As the week progressed, I keep seeing the word in all that I read. I've written it in my journal. Then, today, I come here and see you too have written the word sovereign in your post. God is working whether we know it or see it or feel it. Glad you are feeling well enough to write.

  6. Thank you so much, Rachel. This is encouraging to me today :)

  7. Hello Emily, I'm glad it was encouraging to you! Thanks for stopping by for "tea!" :)

  8. That's wonderful that you've been teaching children about God's sovereignty. And that's so great that God's sovereignty keeps being mentioned in various places you are reading! Isn't it neat how God does that?

  9. My pleasure! I was the one blessed, as always!

  10. It amazes me that in 5 min. you could write something that makes me cry! I've been surfing through your blog, learning more about your journey, and feeling deeply encouraged by the way you glorify God in weakness. For the past few years, life hasn't gone quite how I'd hoped (particularly in relation to ministry). It's been a long journey filled with doubt, tears, WAITING, and yet much inward growth. You so powerfully remind me that in God's economy, inward, spiritual blessing always outweighs outward, earthly blessing. That is why we can rejoice, even when our circumstances are disappointing. Thank you for your words, and even more, for your life.

  11. Thank you for your encouraging words! I am glad we have found each other online! I'm sorry that life hasn't gone how you had hoped. I pray that these hard and challenging years will continue to be filled with growth as you wait on God's timing.


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