Monday, September 8, 2014

Invisible Illness Awareness Week 2014

Invisible Illness Week JUST ONE logo

It’s that time of year again! September 8-14, 2014 is National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week, or Invisible Illness Week for short. It is an annual awareness event that was begun 12 years ago by Lisa Copen. The event takes place primarily online as people blog and share about invisible illness through social media.

The theme this year is: JUST ONE. "You may be just one, but you are one of over 100 million people who live with a chronic illness, and most of the illnesses are invisible” (

I will be writing several blog posts for Invisible Illness Awareness Week using the writing prompt “just one.” I will write about:

I would like to do a Just One Q&A post on Saturday of this week, but I need your help with this one. Do you have a question about invisible illness, chronic illness, or dysautonomia? If so, please let me know!

On Friday I will write a Five Minute Friday post that relates to invisible illness.

I have also filled out the “30 Things About My Invisible Illness You May Not Know” form again this year, and I will be posting it on my blog and on facebook today. It is interesting to me to look back at previous “30 Things” forms and see what answers have changed for me and what answers stay the same year after year.

If you are participating in Invisible Illness Week, what is one thing you are doing to raise awareness? If you have written a blog post, feel free to share the link in the comment section!

Also, please let me know - what is just one question that you have about invisible illness?


  1. I think my biggest questions revolve around what friends can do! What is helpful vs. intrusive, what could be considered rude or into that territory...? I know it varies person to person, but I would hate to offend or otherwise seem rude suggesting something that a friend could help with (cleaning/tidying, babysitting, etc.). What are the most helpful things to you?? :~)

  2. What makes you feel seen or validated the most in a good way?

  3. I appreciate your honesty. It helps me to remember to be aware of those around me. Miss you being in Louisville.

  4. I'm so glad to lock virtual arms with you and others this week. I'm blogging and breaking the silence :) "Just One" as One, Blessings Rachel!

  5. Thank you for sharing this Rachel! Love your you make the bracelets for certain hospitals and medical centers? How did you get started?

  6. Those are good questions. Thanks for asking, Renae! I will include this question in my post on Saturday!

  7. Good question, Sarah. I will be thinking about this and will include this question in my blog post Saturday.

  8. Linking arms with you! I'm so glad you are blogging this week. I look forward to reading what you have to say!

  9. Thank you, Rayann. I miss being in Louisville too! I wish you were still nearby!

  10. Hi Chavos! I have made several medical ID bracelets for myself over the past few years. I started wearing a medical ID bracelet about 7 years ago. I bought my first one from Since then I have continued to use the ID tag, but I have made different bracelets so that I could have some variety.

    I followed instructions on a friend's website to learn how to make the bracelets. The web page isn't there anymore, though, otherwise I'd send you the link. You can see one of the bracelets I made here in this recent Busy Hands blog post:

  11. Thank you for sharing! I appreciated reading your 30 Things. I especially liked number 28 - what a thoughtful friend!

  12. I've had migraines for 40+ years. They have gotten better as I got older. The gastroparesis is fairly new, the diagnosis made in the last 5 years. Although not debilitating, they are miserable when they flair. I can only imagine how you must feel having to live each day with these and more. Praying you have a good day.

  13. I'm sorry you've had migraines for over 40 years. That's rough. :(


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