Monday, April 7, 2014

Follow-up Survey

Thank you so much to everyone who filled out the Cranberry Tea Time Community Survey last week! I greatly appreciate your input and honesty. It is helpful to me to know what is helpful to you! I will keep the survey open for another few weeks for those of you who would still like to fill it out.

Based on the survey results so far, most of you read this blog because you either know me in real life or you have a chronic illness. I had no idea that so many of my readers also have chronic illnesses. Thank you for sharing that with me. Knowing you better helps me to know how to serve you better.

Many of you said that you would like to see more posts about my daily life, marriage and chronic illness, motherhood and chronic illness, tips for living with chronic illness, and posts giving encouragement. There were also a few specific requests for topics – thank you for letting me know about those! It may take a long time, but I would like to write posts on each of these various topics.

Nearly every one of you said that the posts about my daily life and other personal posts are your favorites. You like seeing a glimpse into my life, and some of you also said you would like to see more personal posts. In light of this, I have some questions for you that you will find in the follow-up survey below.

In the original survey I forgot to ask about blog post comments. I have recently discovered that I cannot leave a comment on my blog if I am using Internet Explorer. If I am using Google Chrome, however, this is not an issue. I originally switched to the Disqus comment system because I liked the option of being able to reply to comments, but if this system is now leaving some of you out, then I want to do something different. Please let me know if you aren’t able to leave comments, but would like to do so. 

You may choose to answer only one, or all, of the questions. As before, all of your responses will be anonymous, even to me. If you are reading this blog post via email, you will need to click over to the blog to complete the survey.

Thank you, friends!

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

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