Monday, September 27, 2010

A Walk Through Psalms

The women here at Southern Seminary have written a 366 day devotion book titled, Women at Southern: A Walk Through Psalms.  There are 409 women who contributed to this project either by writing devotions, sharing testimonies, or sharing other words of wisdom.  These women are all connected to Southern Seminary in some way, whether faculty members, staff members, faculty wives, staff wives, students, student wives, graduates, or board members. All of these women have a passion for the Lord, His Word, and ministry.

A Walk Through Psalms is now available for sale, and the proceeds will go to scholarships for women at Southern Seminary.  If you would like to order a copy, you may do so by calling the Southern Seminary LifeWay Christian bookstore at (502) 987-4506 or by emailing southernseminary(dot)4689(at)lifeway(dot)com.  For your reference, the ISBN number is 978-0-9840657-0-7.  Books cost $25 each.

There is a book signing coming up on October 14th from 5:30-6:30 in Heritage Hall here at Southern Seminary, and you are invited.  LifeWay will be there to sell copies of the devotion book, and many of the authors will be there to sign their page in the book.  Lord willing, I will be there signing the devotion I wrote for January 13th.

Thank you to Connie Jenkins for underwriting the publishing cost of A Walk Through Psalms so that all proceeds could go to scholarships!

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