Saturday, July 18, 2009

It's a Girl!

I had an ultrasound this week, and we found out that we are having a baby girl. William has been saying for a couple of months now that he was going to have a sister. He was right!

We have named our little girl Adelaide. I first heard that name 12 years ago and thought it was absolutely beautiful. I knew that I wanted my first girl to be named Adelaide. Will likes the name, too, and so Adelaide it is.

After my ultrasound, Will took me out to pick out some yarn for baby booties. Today the baby bootie making will begin! I am starting with the booties pictured above. I love the old fashioned look.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Oh....girls are so much fun! Adelaide...I love the name!

  2. Oh how very exciting!! Congratulations!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!! That is so sweet!! Such cute booties!! I LOVE LOVE the name Adelaide. That is my cousin's middle name and I've always loved it! I also had a student this past year with the name Adelaide too!! We called her Addie!! I adore that name!! I am so excited for you and can't until we get to "meet" Baby Adelaide!

  4. Congrats, Rachel! Adelaide is a beautiful name and little girls are amazing! You must be ecstatic. A boy and a girl -- perfect!

  5. Congrats

    The booties are so cute and girls are so fun to dress

    ☼Hope you're having a sunshine ☼ filled Sunday!☼

  6. Congratulations! Adelaide is a beautiful name :)


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