Monday, February 20, 2012

Bad Day Turned Happy Day

I'm so blessed to have these three in my life.

A couple of weeks ago I had a particularly bad day physically.  I was weak and exhausted and needed to stay in bed all day.  Bedridden days certainly aren’t my favorite, but my family worked to make it a happy day for me anyway.

I woke up around 11:30am, and soon after that Adelaide wanted to come in for a visit.  I said that she could.  She snuggled me in bed, we talked, and we put on chapstick (one of Adelaide’s favorite things to do when she comes into my room).  After a few minutes I was too tired to keep visiting, so I told her that I was going to need to rest again soon.  Without any prompting, Adelaide sang her favorite lullaby to me and quietly left and closed the bedroom door.  What a special gift she gave me as she took care of me in the way she knew best.

In the afternoon William asked to come in and snuggle me.  I was glad to have him come in and keep me company.  And snuggling?  How could I turn that down?  He won’t be young much longer, so I want to soak up as many snuggles as I can.  Snuggling quickly turned into pulling out my laptop and looking at all the cool frogs and bugs to buy on  And that quickly turned into watching YouTube videos about Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, tarantulas, and other such nasty things.  It grossed me out, but I learned a lot, and I got to spend quality time with my boy.  It was totally worth it.

Will took care of me all day by cooking delicious food, taking care of the children, doing laundry, and coming to check on me throughout the day.  He also spent time with me in the evening after the children were in bed.

Will, William, and Adelaide turned a stuck-in-bed day into a happy day.  I am so very blessed to have a loving husband and caring children.


  1. What a precious family!

  2. I saw you at incourage and I just had to say, my favorite blogs are "small time blogs". You are adorable and your family is so precious. I hope to get to know you more.

    Am clicking your follow buttons right after I finish my comment. :)

  3. It's so sweet when little ones come to "look after" mama.  :)  What a precious family you have!

  4. Thank you, Jessie!  It's great to meet a fellow (in)courage reader.  Thanks for coming by!

  5. So sweet...  What a dear family you have as a gift from God in the way He cares for you also care for them...  

  6. Yes, they truly are a gift from God!


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