Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Saying Yes in My Weakness

One of my favorite books this year was Rhinestone Jesus by Kristen Welch. In this book she shares about her journey of faith and learning to say yes to God. Kristen learned that she didn't have to wait until her life was perfect before she could start following God. She learned to start saying yes right in the middle of her mess. Her small steps of obedience eventually led to founding Mercy House and helping pregnant teenage girls in Kenya.

Kristen encourages other Christians to follow the Lord and say yes to Him in whatever He calls them to do, no matter how “big” or “small” it is. She says, “Saying yes isn’t really about doing it all. It’s about saying yes right where you are. It may seem small or insignificant, but any time you love someone or care for another person’s needs, you’re changing their world, and yours, too. It’s about looking up from your everyday life and seeing opportunities around you to make a difference. It’s about loving others as we are loved.”

This year Kristen invited various bloggers share their "yes stories" each week on her blog. Her "Works for Me Wednesday" (WFMW) series has become a "Yes Works for Me" series! Today I am honored to be guest posting on her blog and sharing about saying yes in my weakness. Please come on over and join me! WFMW: Saying Yes in Your Weakness


  1. I read your post on Kristen's WFMW series and was brought to tears. I too have dysautonomia (caused by Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) and am homebound. I've been homebound for nearly 4 years, having gone from a full time job, ministry leader, new wife and stepmom to 2 teens to having part time home nursing care. I've struggled alot with these circumstances and my attitude hasn't always been very pretty. I think I will find a lot of encouragement here. I'm already encouraged just reading your guest post. I can't wait to read more. Happy New Year and may God bless your journey.

  2. Hi Stacy, I'm sorry that you also have dysautonomia, but I'm so glad to meet you! Thanks for reading and commenting. I look forward to getting to know you. I hope that you will find much encouragement here. I am currently working on finishing up an e-book called "Hope for the Hard Days." It is a 30 day devotional, and I will be giving it away on my blog this year as a free pdf download. This may be something that you will be interested in reading.

  3. Your writing, as always, was moving. We may not understand these things, but your acceptance of God's will is encouraging.


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