Thursday, May 28, 2009


Today has been a hard day for me. I've been tired, weak, and faint. The morning started out around 10:15. Will brought me my Gatorade and cereal for breakfast. I wasn't hungry, but I knew I needed food after not being able to eat much at all yesterday. I took my meds, drank my Gatorade, and ate my breakfast. Around 10:45 I tried to get out of bed to get dressed. I had to lie down a few times because I was getting short of breath and was close to fainting. I would not have pushed myself to get up before noon, except that a friend was coming over to visit and I wanted to look presentable.

My friend arrived a little before noon and stayed for an hour and a half. I spent most of that time lying on the floor because it was too hard to sit up. I was short of breath and had a hard time keeping up with conversation at times.

Come 2:00pm I was so tired that all I could think of was getting to bed and resting all afternoon. I needed rest, and I needed it very soon. Will put William down for a nap and went to the library to do some work. Two hours later I had to call Will home because William had woken up and I was too tired to take care of him. Around the time Will got home I realized that I was getting a migraine. I took some medicine and asked Will to take William out for a while so that I could have some silence and rest and recover from the migraine. I have had to spend most of the afternoon and evening in bed, and I'm going back to bed in a few minutes.

While lying in bed to rest late this afternoon I started reading "The Voice of the Martyrs." Reading that magazine helps me to keep things in perspective. In this current issue there are stories of widows in Nigeria whose husbands were Christians and were killed by Muslims. These widows are struggling to provide for their families, and they are persecuted simply because they are Christians. Their homes and possessions have been burned. These women and their children have been beaten and abused. They have seen other Christians stabbed to death in the streets by angry Muslims. Yet these women remain faithful to Christ. They love the Lord, and they know that God has not forgotten them. They have joy in the midst of trials and persecutions. They know that they have hope and a home in heaven that can never be taken away.

My life is hard, and this has been a bad day physically. Despite those challenges, though, I am so very blessed! Here is my day from a better perspective:

I have a devoted and faithful husband who so lovingly takes care of me every day. He brought my Gatorade and breakfast to me in bed as soon as I woke up.

I have a wonderful friend who took time out of her day to come and visit me at my apartment. She didn't expect me to be a fabulous hostess. She didn't mind at all that I was on the floor almost the whole time. She even brought ice cream for me!

When I desperately needed time to rest, I had a soft, cozy, warm bed to rest in. Will made sure the house was quiet for me and did his work at the library.

When William woke up, Will immediately came home to help me out. When the migraine hit, Will was ready to change plans and take William out of the apartment so that I could rest in silence.

I have a Bible by my bedside, and no one has ever tried to kill me because of it.

I am so very, very blessed. God has given me a good life. And the best is yet to come!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Sneaky Son

Look at those eyes!
Doesn't William look just a little mischievous?

Here is a recent conversation that took place in our house:

William: "Mommy, are you finished eating your donut?"
Me: "No, I'm still eating it."
William: "Hmmm..... May I borrow it?"

I have been laughing ever since!
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